Tuesday, October 13, 2009

karl lagerfield shirt!

(please ignore my lack of shoes !)

I made a tumblrrrrr (follow me if you have one!) : click
I'm still going to keep this blog of course, since I love you guys way too much to just leave. I mean, "tumbling" is awesome but real blogging is still the way to be ;)


sammi-lise ^_^ said...

heyyyyy that is one nice outfit! i love love it :)

and i have a tumblr too. (i am now following yours)...

Unknown said...

fabulous print! I always love to seek for one like that...but it is sometimes hard to find..

Nick said...

Once I make a tumblrr, I'll to follow. By the way, I like that shirt!

magnoliaamber said...

Oh I posted a comment with wrong account...(the above examwelfare19th is my account, though...just for this semester's duty)

Have a nice day!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Freaking LOVE that shirt!! What an awesome outfit. :)

torigabrielle said...

Gorgeous outfit! The shirt and the leggings are unexpected together but it totally works.

Unknown said...

Have a nice time "tumbling"! Cool blog! :)

Spardha Malik said...

what a coool shirt!

Victoria said...

ohh soo cool !

Anonymous said...

Your shirt is just great :).

oriwa said...

I love the jumper! So crafty

x oriwa editorial

Anonymous said...

lovely shirt!!! *___*

& cool BLOG


Nancy Magoo said...

Hey! I tagged you in my blog


Ace stockings. x

yiqin; said...

I love tumblr :D

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your t-shirt, and it looks so good with that skirt!

xoxoxo Thaïs

erika sorocco said...

Ah, I so need that Lagerfeld top. Though I must admit, regardless of the fact that there are no shoes present, I quite adore your entire ensemble. That bubble hem skirt and torn tights are fabulous! :)

Anonymous said...


Sharon said...

Hi there-great outfit, love the KL tee!! From Sharon Rose

Beth Ruby said...

Omg that Karl Lagerfeld tee shirt is awesome!
Where did you get it from?
Or did you draw it yourself?
Oooh I will go and check out your Tumblr now :)

street angel said...

I LOVE this look..love the tee and tights!!!

Anonymous said...

Nicest! :)
I love the tee!!!

Sara said...

Look at you looking adorable! That sense of fashion, miss, is lovely!

Unknown said...

That shirt looks fantastic!

Ric said...

dunno tumbler, babrely know fb, tweet cuz it's easy, blog when i can. You have some flair! I'll be back!

ONiC said...

i love the shirt. its so cute

Risya! said...

the shirt print is too cutee!!
i want one. *envyy*

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

i want that shirt!!!!!! it's so amazing!

Alyssa Roman said...

That Lagerfeld tee is so chic! I don't have a tumblr but I think I might make one soon, someone who commented said to use it to promote your blog... I think that's a good idea. When I jump on, I'll follow you!

Ash Fox said...

i am usually a big chanel fan, but karl's public comments this week swayed my opinion of him. of course i still am still a huge fan of his designs. love your blog!



Amelia said...

I like the shredded tights! I've been thinking about getting a tumblr myself...

Vintage Lollipops said...

Wicked cool combination!!! I love it. xxx

Winnie said...

Aw nice outfit! That is such a cool tee.

Thank you so much for actually reading that entire exhibition post. So glad you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

oooh. where from? the shirt i mean.

Raigan said...

love the outfit! Oh, and the hair knot. I so miss the days when I could do that!

have a great weekend/rest of your week!


Ela said...

Eek, I adore your shirt!!! It's perfect on you!

Happy weekend, Sophia!

queengilda said...

gotta love karl!! everyone's doing this tumbling thing now. i can't keep up. haha!

Nicola said...

hello dear far away friend.
sorry about the late reply.
i am wanting to spend your package, but the post office is really bad over here at the moment as people are going and are on strike, it will be coming soon. :) (sorry).
ahh where do i work, no where amazing, just a clothes shop, but it is fun..its all in my letter. (sorry again).
hope you are well my dear!

Erina said...

lovelovelove your karl shirt! where did you get it?

Ria Michelle said...

I feel the same way. I have a tumblr as well but I can't give up my blog/domain.

Sonum said...

I love this!

Check out my new blog?

Natalie Suarez said...

ooo I love ur shirt, sooo cute! :)



Ruxandra said...

i thought of joining tumblr too.not sure if i will manage with both.have a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said...

LOVEEE that outfit, ohmygosh. the tights, and the shirt....so so cute!! (:

Marine said...

Very thanks!

i love your tee shirt : o !

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My name is Precious said...

Beautiful. The rip tights, the jumper... just great :)