Saturday, November 21, 2009

oh how i love senior year

[outfit from a while ago, when it was still warm out]

i'm quite sorry for my unexplained super-long absence;
you guys probably think i died or something.

i promise, i didn't :)
i've officially finished applying to one of my schools, which is exciting. senior year is quite stressful, and seeing an "application submitted" screen is just so gratifying!

I got two awards from Nicola a while ago and never posted them! Thank you millions, I appreciate them so so so much.

with the smile award, the awards rules are:
1. You have to put a song that makes you happy :)
2. You can tag as many people as you want, there is no limit :)
3. Say at least one thing about each blog you tag, that will make them smile, something nice about their blog that makes you smile when you read it! :)

1. A song that makes me happy would be "Whenever, Wherever" by Shakira. I'm not even that big of a Shakira fan, but that song makes me want to dance every time I hear it!

2. I'm tagging the following bloggers(you get both awards!)
--*ela: you have an impeccable taste in fashion, and your stories are so fun (and often funny) to read!
--*jennifer: your blog is fascinating to read because you make it so very personal. i love reading about your [fabulous] life :)
--*nadine: you're so perfectly fashionable, and your outfits are so creative! your blog is bright and happy and it generally makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

This is a really nice look :).

Ric said...

Oh, I knew you hadn't died... I kinda fade for a bit from time to time.

The first half of senior year was nutz, but once the decision for college (at least where you start) is done and very little else matters to the same degree...

It gets very calm, very quickly, the parties ensue, and then it ends.

I'd say try to buddy up to those you've always wondered about because the easiness of knowing them may be lost forever.

I'm kinda missing my friends from high school now, but all of the new and interesting, non-dramatic ones are so special.

Good to read you again!


Anonymous said...

I like your style!Your outfits is so cool!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Yayyyy! Thank you for the awards. And congrats on earning them yourself. Your blog is fabulous and so much fun, so you totally deserve them. ;)
Also, I love that outfit. Very casual yet chic.

PS. I'm very glad you didn't die!!!

yiqin; said...

Nice vest <3

erika sorocco said...

Congratulations on the awards! I had forgotten about Shakira's "Whenever, Wherever," but now it's stuck in my head. :)

Beth Ruby said...

Super cute outfit!
Love the denim waistcoat!
And congrats on the awards :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy senior year! I'm already a senior in college (am I? AHH!!) and I still feel like a senior in high school. Some cliches are far too true: time certainly flies! And super cute/creative H-Ween costume. I work on our student news program (@ Boston College) and just did a segment on the best commercial jingles and Almond Joy was indeed included! "Almond Joys have nuts..Mounds don't!" Classic.

kumiko mae said...

Hey i missed you! u haven't mailed me yet :(

Sharon said...

Hi there-love your casual chic outfit and well done on your awards too!!

Nicola said...

SOPHIA!!!---oh dear dear, it has been far toooo long! i have posted your package, it should be with you very very soon! i am soo sorry its late.
how are you??? hope you have been having wonderful adventures!
love! xxxx

Nick said...

I've been told that I was very behind in the educational process. I haven't really went in-depth into which schools I'm thinking of attending. I should definitely start soon. Everyone's telling me the sooner the better and i'm starting to believe them.

Congrats on the awards by the way. I've gotta listen to that song now.

jess said...

Great look. Congrats on the award.

Disguise said...

Congratulations! :)

Imogen said...

Congratulations on the awards and good luck with school.

Ela said...

Sophia, I missed you!!!

Congrats on your awards, hon! I love that skirt.

You are too sweet. Thank you.

Congrats on getting the apps submitted. Keep us posted :)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, hon! xx

Alyssa Roman said...

This is one of my favorite outfits that I've seen on your blog. I love the contrast of colors and shape. Nice! Congrats on the awards, doing a good job! :)

voiceofbragg said...

Happy Thanksgiving....Drop Entrecards really fast give it a try.

Anonymous said...

mate, thats one awesome skirt :)

maddy said...

adorable outfit! yay for senior year... maybe. good luck girl!

Marine said...

Verry thanks, i love your skirt ! :oo

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

I like that outfit, it looks really comfortable. Do you have a chictopia account? If you don't already you should open one. There are a lot of fashionistas on there and you can also post pictures of your outfits. People get to comment on your outfits and give you chic points. Anyway, congrats on that award of yours. So far I'm liking your blog. Cheers and have a great weekend.

Winnie said...

Ooooh I love this outfit! I love how you've put this together.

Ash Fox said...

So cute! Great outfit!